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KC Christensen
735 E Green ST
Bensenville, IL 60106

Phone: 630-238-2660
Fax: 847-963-6738

KEC12071 AMF Glen 160 QT Planetary Mixer

KEC12102 Autoprod dula lane 5lb tub filler

KEC121021 Complete macaroni & potato Salad processing and packaging line. Over 60000LBs per hour


Institute of Packaging Professionals

Institute of Packaging Professionals

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DescUsed: Douglas High Speed Bundler Model SR7-1124 Multi Wrapper. Machine has very low operating hours - approximately 200. Machine bundles (4) packs of 2.361" diameter print registers bottles using 2.5 mil twin rolls of registered film. Utilizes 16" wide film rolls. Tri-Mite 616 Gray Metallic powder coating. Cluster style lubrication. 24V DC controls. Allen-Bradley SLC 5/02 processor and 1305 and 160 VFDs. Stacklight fault indicator. Full engineering details available upon request. Electric:480 VAC, 60Hz. Call (847)963-1201 for additional information.
ModelllSR7-1124 Multi Wrapper
Serial NumM-4282
Phone Number